Hi, there. This entry is about a special group of applications that can be found in the Google Play store. I found about these apps procrastinating with data during my PhD. The dataset is stored in Kaggle and the last update was in 2019.
We can identify these apps by their prices. Let’s make a plot of the app prices of the store. To do this, we choose to use an histogram. Histograms are a practical way of visualizing the way in which a set of values are distributed. We have to group the prices in bins and then count how many apps have a price that lies into each bin. The following graph shows the data:
The plot shows that most of the applications have a small price, close to zero. However, the horizontal axis is extended until values around 400. Indeed, looking closer we see that there is a tiny bar representing some apps with a price close to 400. Let’s make a zoom to see better:
There are around 15 applications with a price similar to 400, why? If we dig a bit further, we get that the names of those apps are:
## [1] "most expensive app (H)"
## [2] "<U+0001F48E> I'm rich"
## [3] "I'm Rich - Trump Edition"
## [4] "I am rich"
## [5] "I am Rich Plus"
## [6] "I Am Rich Premium"
## [7] "I am extremely Rich"
## [8] "I am Rich!"
## [9] "I am rich(premium)"
## [10] "I Am Rich Pro"
## [11] "I am rich (Most expensive app)"
## [12] "I Am Rich"
## [13] "I am Rich"
## [14] "I AM RICH PRO PLUS"
## [15] "Eu Sou Rico"
## [16] "I'm Rich/Eu sou Rico/<U+0623><U+0646><U+0627> <U+063A><U+0646><U+064A>/<U+6211><U+5F88><U+6709><U+9322>"
All names are equivalent to “I am rich”. The developers of one of these apps describe its utility:
This app do absolutely nothing, but it works like a status symbol. The icon is really sexy and the app itself shows a beautiful luxury diamond. This app maybe is the most expensive app on the market and it’s based on other similar “I’m rich” type of apps.
The dataset is a bit out-of-date. There was some cleaning-up, but, if you search for them, some of these apps still exist. Furthermore, we know that the maximum possible price is different depending on the location. For example, the limit in Europe is currently 349 euros.
Stay tuned for more facts about trashy humanity.